Jul 18, 2010

One more important thing today!

Most of us know and understand that our cholesterol should be at a certain level, but we don't all know what that level should be, so I thought I would share some information about levels with you.
Cholesterol should be under 160 with the LDL under 100 and the HDL above 60 (To get a good reading you must fast before having the blood test.  Your doctor can give you specifics.)
Normal Blood Pressure should be approximately 120 over 80
and CT Scans zap you with radiation equivalent to having 200 x-rays.  I'm only telling you this, because we should be aware of these statistics, however, when you need a CT Scan -they are useful and they do serve a purpose, so we each have to weigh our personal  risks.  


Artifice said...


Great blog and wonderful information! Thanks so much for sharing!


Cynthia (Cindy) Powell said...

There is so much information out there, sometimes it conflicts depending on the source. I'm just trying to get it all sorted out and be able to incorporate some of this information into a lifestyle about losing weight and keeping it off. So if I can share we others, who might be struggling too, I'm happy to do that!

Pat said...

Cindy, you are helping me to stay focused on what's important since I have diabetes and have to be aware of food more than normal. I really love your blog! You should promote it more!!!
Thank you!

Cynthia (Cindy) Powell said...

I'm thrilled that I am able to help keep everyone informed, but I am merely repeating what I have gathered from a lot of sources and while I would love to devote more time to this blog and to our dieting needs, I can only post when I have some free time. I continue gathering info and assembling it in a journal, with scraps of paper hanging out everywhere! I try to post every week, but even that escapes me sometimes. Sorry! :-D