Jun 8, 2010


Tidbit #1-Nuts are full of magnesium-a mineral linked to short & long term memory.  When deciding what nuts to eat-they all are good but Almonds and Pistachios seem to get more reviews in the eating heathy magazines.
Tidbit #2-When eating apples, eat the peeling to help reduce the waist line.
Tidbit #3-Besides Fish Oil (Omega 3's) helping to reduce cholesterol levels-Walnuts can be beneficial too.  We already knew Oatmeal can help with lowering these levels as well.  I found a new (new to me) favorite-Banana Bread flavored Oatmeal-yummy!  (Made by Quaker-Weight Contol)
Tidbit #4-Plain popcorn is a great whole grain that can help you to keep your insulin levels even and cause less fat to be stored by your body.  Whole grains in general are rich in fiber-which keeps you feeling full and they can delay the absorption of sugars into the body.  Of ocurse it's best to eliminate as much refined sugars in your diet as possible. 
Tidbit #5-Vinegar promotes fat burning because it contains acetic acid.  Some of the new vigarette salad dressings are way tasty and instead of pouring the dressing directly on the salad (because I always manage to pour way too much-love that dressing!) I put the dressing in a glass side dish, so I can dip my salad into the dressing.  A little goes a long ways when you eat salad like this-less calories!  Did you know that some Caesar dressings are 100% fat calories!!  Oh my gosh!  Make sure to read the labels!!
Tidbit #6-What's up with the new Buzz word...CORE?  You hear it everywhere-see it in print in every fitness magazine-but it just means your Abs!  Somebody wanted to see if they could stir up the masses by creating a new word for the millions of body fitness aficianitos. 
Tidbit #7-In the winter months, you should use a face and/or body cleasnsers that don't get too sudsy.  This is new to me!  The reason stated is: "The less foam there is, the less likely it is that the product will dry out your skin."  Well, I for one get such horribly dry skin during the winter, that the skin on my knuckles crack and bleed.  I've had to use chapstick/bee balm on them, nothing else seems to help heal them. 

1 comment:

Pat said...

Cindy, speaking of the goodness of nuts.....I bought a bag of mixed nuts at the county fair the other day. Must have been at least a cup to maybe 1 1/2 cups of nuts...no peanuts either. The people I was with were not nut eaters so I ate the entire bag by MYSELF! I awoke in the night with terrible stomach pain and threw up several times and none of the nuts were digested! There is retribution for gluttony...... : )
Lesson learned.
Pat S