May 31, 2010

Did you Know?

Sleep deprevation raises the level of a hormone called: ghrelin. This hormone increases our desire for food! Sleep deprevation also decreases our levels of Leptin, our bodies natural appetite suppressant. Darn-we are getting a double whammy here-actually a triple whammy cause we aren't getting enough sleep! I try getting more than my normal 6 hours a night, but it just doesn't work for me. The longer I lay in bed, the more exausted I feel when I finally drag myself out from under the covers. What about you-are you getting a required 7-8 hours of shut eye each night?


Anonymous said...

I'm overweight and have a hard time sleeping longer than 5-6 hours a night. After a week or two then I will be able to sleep for 8 hours one night and play a little catch up. I've been this way since I was little...worried about missing out on something or just so enthralled with life I didn't want to waste any of it sleeping. However, I do know now it is not a waste at all, but long time habits are hard to break! Lorna

Cynthia (Cindy) Powell said...

I've had sleeping problems my whole life too-always thought it was my DH's snoring that was the problem-little did I know, it was just me. The longest I've slept-without getting up or turning over, is 6 hours. This happens about twice a year. I've altered my liquids, quit drinking coffee at noon, got up earlier, went to bed later-nothing changes. I still only get 5-6 hours, usually interrupted sleep.