May 29, 2010

Are you ready to get started? General Tidbits

Here are a few tips that will help kick start your diet into gear:
1. Moderately intense cardio 5 times per week, will help you burn off the fat and boost your metabolism-so jump on the treadmill today! Walk around the block a few times if you don't have a treadmill or go to the mall and walk around that a few times-the idea is to get your body moving-it's heart (Cardio) healthy! (No window browsing-walk at a good pace and increase the pace every few days until you find a good pace for yourself.)
2.Keep your metabolism burning those calories and belly fat by using extra weights. You can use either ankle weights when walking or hand/wrist weights. (I limit my extra weight to no more than 5 lbs. total!)
3. Eating 4-6 little meals throughout your day, keeps your body fueled. Start each day off eating lean protein, healthy fats and complex carbs-Never skip breakfast-eat something within the first 90 minutes of waking and do a quick 10 minute workout first thing-while you're still in your jammies! (more on this later.)
4. Your body needs IRON to be properly energized. Great sources are: beans, whole grain cereals and prune juice.-Read the labels!
5. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated, your skin elastic. Water converts food into energy which keeps your metabolism at it's peak performance during the day. Sip water: before, during and after your workouts and eat a snack immediately after your workout. (I recently found the Kellogg's Special K bars-only 90 calories, 2 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein. A great snack after a workout that stays with you for a few hours.-I am not affiliated with Kellogg's just like this product and a few of their other products-have you tried out the multi-grain crackers! Only 90 calories per 17 crackers and they are fabulous with The Laughing Cow, light flavored cheese wedges! Only 35 calories, 2 grams of fat per wedge-lots of flavor!)
6. Strength and resistance training. There are some wonderful videos that incorporate hand weights into the workout exercise routines. These are my favorite types of videos to workout with-but a word of caution-DO NOT use heavy weights when you first begin. Start with small weights (2-3 lbs) and build up to the higher weights. I will not use anything over a 5 lb hand weight for these workouts, as it is too easy to injure an elbow or shoulder. It's better to stay at the lighter weight and do more reps than to move to heavier weights and get hurt. (Use your own judgement when determining what is right for you!) Be aware also that using hand weights is totally different than using weighted machines at the gym. You may be able to lift or pull much more weight when working out with machines, but still be aware of what your body can and cannot do at this stage. Build up to the heavier weights and don't over do it! Injuries can take months to heal and sometimes require surgery! Please be careful when using any weight other than your own body weight for workouts!
7.Pilates and Yoga-are for flexible people! I myself cannot get into some of the positions that are required, but then again there are some I find quite easy. Pilates and Yoga I believe are really the same exercise-slightly different-but regardless of what it is called-it's good exercise to keep your body toned all over.
8. So what's with the new buzz word-"Core"??? That's all it is, a new buzz word-they are referring to your abs-the muscles that make up your middle-waist and abdomen. The muscles I have the most issues with since I tend to pack on the pounds in my "Core".

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